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Date(s) - August 28, 2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Life Changers Ministries at Boston Street Church

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AUGUST 28, 2022
By Elder Jerry Whittington
  • Define Erosion = the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents:  the wearing away if ticks and other deposits in the earth surface by thr action of water, ice, wind etc…
  • the act or process of eroding orthodox state of being eroded Derived forms of erosion erosive.
JUDGES 16:1   (Samson and Delilah)
  • If we have something in us that keeps wearing on us over and over again, this can cause erosion in ourlives. Erosion is exactly what the  enemy wants. The enemy wants to wear us down to the point where we give in and make us turn our attention away from God.
JUDGES 16:4-20
  • Devil uses different tactics and tricks  to try to pull us away from God.
  • Samson  never wanted to tell Delilah where his strength  came from.  But Delilah kept trying to figure out how to destroy Samson.  So Delilah kept on wearing Samson down  until Sampson  finally told her  exactly what she was seeking.  Then Delilah gave information to the philistines ( those who bribed Delilah to get the information about Samson; to destroy Samson ) and they did that by shaving Samson head.
  • Erosion  can take us out of  the position GOD has placed us in.   Devil wants the glory of God.  The glory of God is US!  WE ARE GODS GLORY; HIS CHILDREN!  
LUKE 18:1-5
ROMANS 6:12-14
  • SIN doesn’t have DOMINION over you.
MATTHEW  7:24-27
  • The ROCK is how we are established upon. The rock of Jesus Christ; HIS SOLID ROCK.
  • Stay in the PRESENCE of  the WORD of GOD and the PEOPLE of GOD. NOTHING can come against us when we do this. KEEP THE WORD in our hearts and the WORD will PROTECT us from  Spiritual Erosion.

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