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Date(s) - April 1, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Saturday Sabbath Service
Zoom Meeting ID: 9578794364
Password: 2CRmxc
By Phone Conference: (978) 990-5122
Access code: 7635688
APRIL 1, 2023
MARK 3:22-30 ( talking about Jesus and about all the wonderful things he was doing and the scribes were jealous )
The thought process of what was being said
- MARK 3:22 Jesus forces demons with the rulers is demons ( this is there thought process of what they thought was happening )
- MARK 3:23 Jesus said how can Satan cast out Satan (they are saying and felt that Satan has possessed Jesus ). This was blasphemous against the Holy Spirit and this can NEVER be forgiven )
- The scribes were slamming the works of the Holy Spirit; the work that Jesus was doing was prompted by devils.
- This was BLASPHEMY to think this way against the Holy Spirit.
The Definition of Blasphemy 👉🏾 the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things profane talk
MATTHEW 12:31 & 32
- How can satan cast out satan and be one person. Satan would be divided and won’t stand. The Holy Spirit is not a prince of devils. Anyone that speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
- God sent his Holy Spirit to live in us. Jesus said that anyone that ask the Holy Spirit it shall be given to them. We shall receive POWER from God.
- We need to PRAY to STAND against the wilds of the devil.
JOHN 7: 12
- Jesus said that there are some things; all manner of SIN that could be said against him that will be forgiven but NOT against the Holy Spirit.
JOHN 9:16
JOHN 10:19
- Some questioned Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.
1 JOHN 2:1&2
- Jesus is the advocate for us. We as believers need to stop holding stuff against ourselves and against other people
- Jesus is the propitiation for us.
1 TIMOTHY 1:12-13
- Apostle Paul was a former blasphemer…
Although I was formerly blasphemer a prosecutor and an insolent man but I obtain mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
1 Timothy 1:13
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