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Date(s) - January 14, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Saturday Sabbath Service
Zoom Meeting ID: 9578794364
Password: 2CRmxc
By Phone Conference: (978) 990-5122
Access code: 7635688
JANUARY 14, 2022
( Grace and Faith )
ROMANS 10:17 ( Gods faithfulness and Promises )
~ Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God ~
- You can’t just hear the word but you must believe it.
MARK 11:22-24 (Cursing of the Fig Tree)
- Jesus spoke to the fig tree that wasn’t producing fruit and cursed the tree for not having. Any fruit on it.
- Curse the LACK In your life. We need to curse every area in our life that doesn’t produce. We live for productive lives.
- Have faith in God. What ever the mountain is in your life….Speak to it! Believe in those things, and in what you say… Let it be done! You WILL have whatever you say; when you pray. When you pray , shall have what your prayed for. Be BOLD in prayer.
1 KINGS 8:56
- There has not been a failed WORD that God promises US his children. If God promised it, then it will come to pass.
The Definition of failed = not achieving its and or not lasting ; unsuccessful
- Jesus is the Word of God . If you BELIEVE it and ASK for it then you have received it. Trust that it will not fail. Nothing God has promised us will NOT fail.
ISAIAH 14:24
- God says what he means and and expects for it to happen. Things we are believing God for comes through by our faith. This is how we receive the manifestation of God.
- We can’t doubt; or have a double mind about the promises God has promised us. Our opinions can’t stand up against Gods word. When we doubt Gods Word, It just nullifies his promises to us. We must come into agreement with Gods WORD.
- The Word of God abides forever. Whatever you pray and desire from God for, believe that we have it and received them. You WILL have them.
ISAIAH 46:9-11
- When God says something , he will do it. God will bring it to pass. We can’t allow others opinions or beliefs deter us from the WORD of God or From what God has promised us. Our God will supply all our needs.
- In the. midst of everything that’s going on, Gods PEACE is with us. God gives us HIS peace.
- God said suddenly it came to pass. Faith will not go unrewarded. Your trust in God will not go unrewarded.
ISAIAH 55:10-11
- Faith comes by hearing , so shall Gods word. Gods word shall not return to him void. It will accomplish what it was set out to do ; make it happen….. Push forwarded!
- Believe in Gods Word. Have FAITH in it. God will make it happen.
- Gods WORD always produces fruit. It WILL Prosper where ever God sends it. Gods Word is like the rain and snow on the ground that waters the earth and Produces seeds for the farmer and bread for the hungry.
- God Word is forever settled. If God said it, Hod will bring it to pass.
- Through FAITH and GRACE we will see the MANIFESTATIONS of God.
- God is not a man that he will lie. It is our responsibility to believe what God says.
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