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Date(s) - February 12, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Life Changers Ministries at Boston Street Church

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FEBRUARY 12, 2023
Introduction of Service
We need to do  (RMS) Routine Maintenance Service on ourselves; Spiritually.   We can be attacked  by getting sick  in our bodies or attacked spiritually so we have to reach into our Spiritual tool Box and perform that spiritual tune up.
Items we can find in our Spiritual Too Box
LUKE 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up
By Jerry Whittington
( Grace of God  and God favor mercy and Love  Holy Spirit is God’s grace that he gives to us. )
HEBREWS 10:29   (Gifts  of the Holy Spirit )
We have to receive (accept) the Holy Spirit or you won’t receive it.
LUKE 11:13
When we ask for for his spirits, he gives it to us.  If we ask we will receive.
JOHN 16:13
We need the spirits is because we need a new heart.   We need this new heart and spirits
Jesus explains about the Holy Spirit.  When the spirit comes he will guide you into all truth.
The Definition of  Guide =  a person who advises or shows the way to others
  • We need the Holy Spirit for guidance and instruction every day with our daily life.
  • Gods Holy Spirit abides in us and guides us through our daily lives. We need the Holy Spirit  every day and how can he Gods Holy Spirit show us the way,  if his spirit is not with us.?? It’s not possible.
JOHN 14: 16
  • The Holy  Spirit abides in and with us.  Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will stay in place with you.
The Definition of  abide = accept or act in accordance with ( a rule , decision, or recommendation)
  • Jesus will pray the Father will give us a helper. One that will be present with us forever.  The body is the temple of the Holy Ghost the Spirit dwells  inside of you.
The Definition of Dwell = live in or at a specified place 
  • We need the Presence ( Spirit ). Jesus expects us to be the light of the world
MATTHEW 5:14-16
  • We are the light of the world and Jesus expect us to be the light of the world.
JOHN 17: 14
  • I pray that the ( Holy Spirit )  you don’t take out of  the world,  but keep them  (US) from the evil one.   Jesus says  to  the Holy Spirit keep us from the rulers of  the dark age (darkness )  We need something inside us to keep us STRONG.  The only way is that  Holy Spirit  lives  inside US.
  • If Jesus wants us to remain here ( in this life) , the only way for this country I happen is for the  Holy Spirit to live inside us. We never know when we will be attacked. The Holy Spirit needs  to ABIDE inside us.
  • The Holy Spirit teaches us TRUTH. God knows that we need the  Holy Spirit everyday because he knows  that we will be attacked or tried everyday.
EPHESIANS 6: 10-17   ( The whole Armor of God)  Apostle Paul says……
  • Do we choose to use the sword .. it’s up to us e to know how to use them.  Or chose to pick them up when we need it.
  • Stop allowing things you have done in the past, to become the person  you are.
  • The Lord is the SPIRIT.  And Lord  promises never to leave us not forsake us. The Spirit  has made that promise to us. The Lord  IS that PROMISED SPIRIT.  We need the helper to help us at any moment when we are attack by the evil one.
( the above point takes us back to the following scripture ) 
JOHN 14: 16
  • Pray that the helper will abide with us forever until the Holy Spirit comes.
PSALMS 23:1-8
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures , he leads me beside quiet waters , he refreshes my soul.  He guides along the right paths for his name sake.  Even though  I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for they rod and staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me  in thr presence of my enemies.  You about my head with oil; my coo overflows.  Surely your goodness and love will follow me all thr says I’d my life, and I will dwell  in the house  of thr Lord forever.
( The above scripture takes us to the following point )
JOHN 16:13.
  • When he comes he will guide you into truth of  the Holy Spirit
All we have to do is hold ourselves to the WILL will of God.  Gods eye is on our future   God will get us to our FUTURE,  only if we allow God to do that for us.  Gods GRACE is the the goodness of God.
by:  Pastor Rayfield Whittington

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