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Date(s) - January 15, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Life Changers Ministries at Boston Street Church

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JANUARY 15, 2022

ROMANS  10:17

  • We are saved by Grace  through Faith
  • All of what we pray for, is setting up GOD to manifest those things to us all that  we are praying for.
  • If GOD  said it, GOD will do it!  If he spoke it, GOD will bring it to pass.
MARK 11:22-24
MARK11:12  ( The Fig  tree withered )
  • Jesus responded to this tree that didn’t produced fruit, and he cursed this tree because he thought this tree should have fruit on it.  Since Jesus created this fig tree,  Jesus expected that it should produce fruit when Jesus needed.  And because It didn’t produce when Jesus expected it to, Jesus cursed this tree.   Jesus was demonstrating the Power of faith and the God power of the believer.
  • Even though this fig tree wasn’t not the season for it to produce fruit, it didn’t produce when Jesus needed it.  No matter what season it is.  It must respond.
  • Jesus was simply giving his disciples a lessons about the authority of God.
  • God will respond to us no matter what the SEASON is in our lives and we shall receive it; when we are in need.  God  WILL supply all our needs.
  • If we don’t receive what we are praying for it is not because God is ignoring us, it is because we don’t believe and have faith in what  we are trusting and believing God for.
  • This  speak to the boldness of those things we pray for and Have the God kind  of faith.  All things were formed by the Word  of God.


  • Speak like God speaks!
  • Speak to all that’s not being productive in your life to  GO!   Cut it OFF!    Let it GO!
  • You must to SPEAK TO  whatever it is, that is going on  in your life.   HAVE FAITH IN GOD! 
God kind of FAITH will give you the POWER  to speak to the MOUNTAINS in Your life!  The MOUNTAINS can be moved by the FAITH we have!  We CAN NOT  be afraid.  We have to BELIEVE and TRUST in the GOD  kind of FAITH.   Don’t be double minded.  A double minded man is unstable.
The Definition of double minded = wavering in mind: undecided, vacillating
~ The lessons Jesus us teaching in the  above scriptures is about having that God type of Faith. The Power of GODS Faith!  In ALL our prayers to God we must be BOLD ,  TRUST and  BELIEVE in what we are praying and asking GOD for , and BELIEVE that it will come to pass.  In every WORD and PROMISE God makes to us will NEVER return to God without it ACCOMPLISHING what it was set out to do! ~ 

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