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Date(s) - March 5, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Saturday Sabbath Service
Zoom Meeting ID: 9578794364
Password: 2CRmxc
By Phone Conference: (978) 990-5122
Access code: 7635688
3 things we will be studying on are:
- Seek God first
- Character of God
- Becoming productive again.
In order to expect more we need to elevate our thinking. I Kings 3: 3-14
God always gives or adds more than what we ask for. II Chronicles 1: 7-12
Wisdom comes from seeking God’s word and receiving God’s word. Proverbs 2: 1-11
Wisdom is the use of what we know.
Knowledge is gained through information.
Be willing and obedient and rest in the Lord. Leviticus 25: 18-22
Can we trust God enough to rest in Him so that He can provide for us?
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