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Date(s) - February 18, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Saturday Sabbath Service
Zoom Meeting ID: 9578794364
Password: 2CRmxc
By Phone Conference: (978) 990-5122
Access code: 7635688
FEBRUARY 18, 2023
LUKE 18:1
- Men should always PRAY and not FAINT.
- We should ask or request God to change the conditions in our life. Whether it be the weather or for the conditions on earth. Make any request from God to take action for what we you need.
The Definition of faint -hearted = lacking courage ; timid
LUKE 21:9,10 ( Don’t give up )
- The EARTH is the Lords and the FULLNESS there of and we should allow GOD to do what he does.
LUKE 21:36
- We should always stay on top of these things through prayer. We need to KEEP Our selves connected to GOD and remind GOD the things we see among the earth. No EVIL shall come near your DWELLING. .
- PRAYER always keeps is in the LOVE of God
- We should always PRAY without ceasing and continue to be STEADFAST. Keep. talking to Hod and develop and have a good relationship with God. Talk to god about everything that is on your heart. Don’t be ashamed. Whatever you talk to God about it STAYS with God. God doesn’t gossip about us.
PSALMS 55:16-17
- Call upon God! Kneel before the Lord. Pray to God anytime. When we pray to avoid it Doesn’t have to be for a religious occasion. Seek God at ANYTIME. GOD doesn’t look at how we pray. God looks at the HEART.
- God knows our thoughts are far off. God is in tune with us. He knows all things. Stay before the LORD; Mediate in the lord.
PSALMS 102:17
- God responds to the prayer of the destitute. He doesn’t care about the manner we pray in or what position we hold. PRAY in the manner to cover everything we need. Not necessarily pray verbatim word for word. But pray that we ask for everything EVERYTHING you need from the LORD.
- God is telling us that he hears our prayers. He is listening to us.
- Pray ALWAYS! Be WATCHFUL! Pray for one another during these times the things people are going through.
- God knows we are in a battle and doesn’t want us to be sick with disease. Pray over EVERYTHING. Pray over your families, job and finances We have to be on GUARD at all times! BLESS you food and pray over the Body of Christ.
- Let your request be known to God. Give thanks to God ALWAYS.
- Continue earnestly in PRAYER and give THANKS to GOD for whatever you are asking and praying God for and Pray for your Pastors and leaders in our lives.
JONAH 2:6 7
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