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Date(s) - October 22, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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Saturday Sabbath Service
Zoom Meeting ID: 9578794364
Password: 2CRmxc
By Phone Conference: (978) 990-5122
Access code: 7635688
OCTOBER 22,2022
- Satan is the God of Darkness and Satan is subject by our God. He must obey God.
- You can’t be intercessors without God interceding for you. God is always looking over you; and is always keeping you.
- The Earth is the Lords and all its FULLNESS and all those that dwell within he Earth.
- We are coming into agreement with God and his Word: the World is his.
REVELATIONS 11:15 ( Kingdom of this world )
- We are coming into agreement that Will rain forever and ever.
- Righteousness, Peace, and Joy through the Holy Spirit.
- The kingdoms of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ , and he shall reign for we and ever.
ROMANS 14:17
- We want GODS kingdoms to be advance.
- When we are decreeing the Kingdom of God, WE expect to see the HEALING POWER to manifest its self in the earth; All manner of SICKNESS and DISEASE.
- We must DECREE and DECLARE in order to receive it. We pray that the benefits of the Kingdom be released in us today.
PSLAMS 24:7-10
- Let the gates of my LIFE and CITY be opened to the King of Glory to come in. The Lord is the King of Glory is the Lord.
PSLAMS 103:19 & 22
- Praying that Gods kingdom will come and that we will walk in the benefits of the kingdom.
- The Lord established his throne in Heaven and his kingdom rules over all.
- We will Bless the Lord over our souls. We pray to releases the Power of God to work in our lives. Prayers will open our eyes to more and our Understanding the Dominion of God.
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